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Writer's pictureIndiana Borough

AD: 2023 Tentative Budgets & 2023 Tax Ordinance

Notice is hereby given that the tentative 2023 General Fund, State Liquid Fuels and Capital budgets for the Borough of Indiana, Indiana County, are available for public inspection for 10 days during the normal business hours (8:00AM – 4:00PM, Monday through Friday) at the Borough Office located at 80 N. 8th Street, Indiana, Pennsylvania. Additionally, Borough Council will consider an ordinance fixing and levying the tax rate on real estate in the borough for the calendar year 2023 for general borough purposes, the library, fire protection, shade tree, and providing for severance and repeal.

Borough Council will consider adoption of this Ordinance and the tentative 2023 General Fund, State Liquid Fuels and Capital budgets at a meeting to be held at the George E. Hood Municipal Building on Tuesday, December 6, 2022 at 7:00 PM. The entire ordinance can be reviewed at the Borough Offices by appointment during regular business hours or online at

Those wishing to comment on the Ordinance may attend the meeting, or may do so prior to the meeting by submitting comments via email to or in writing by regular mail at 80 N. 8th St. Indiana, PA 15701.

Persons with disabilities who need an accommodation to attend or participate in the public meeting should contact the Borough Manager at least 5 business days before the meeting.


2023 Tentative Budget (at-a-glance)

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