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Ordinance: Chapter 138

Writer's picture: Indiana BoroughIndiana Borough

Borough Council will consider adoption of an Ordinance revising Chapter 138, Animals, by updating the definitions and penalty provisions and adding new sections to accommodate the housing of hens, requirement of a permit, and regulating feral and community cats, allowing for trap neuter and return programs.

This ordinance revises Chapter 138, Animals, by updating the definitions and penalty provisions and adding new sections to accommodate the housing of hens, requirement of a permit, and regulating feral and community cats, allowing for trap neuter and return programs.

Borough Council will consider adoption of this Ordinance at a virtual public meeting to be held at the Borough’s offices located at 80 North Eighth Street, Suite 102, Indiana, PA 15701 on Tuesday, June 16, 2020 at 7:00 p.m.

The entire ordinance can be reviewed online or by contacting the Borough office for a copy. The public may comment by submitting comments to the Borough Manager in writing to the above address or by email at or by calling 724-465-6691. Comments will be accepted until 6:30 pm on the night of the meeting and all comments will be read into the recorded record.

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