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Solar Resources

This page is intended to serve as a collection of solar resources and information for the community.



Solar Benefits:


Solar energy uses a renewable energy source - the sun - and provides many benefits for individuals and the community. It improves environmental quality by reducing carbon emissions & air pollution, supports local solar companies in Pennsylvania, and reduces utility costs for the individuals who install panels on their properties.



Finding a Contractor and Going Solar:


Find a solar contractor (or two!) to assess your solar energy and provide a bid. Certified practitioners can be found through the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) website.


The Consumer Solar Checklist is a great document created by the Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) for consumers considering solar energy on their properties. Also check out their Clean Energy Consumer Bill of Rights - which helps address important issues and ensures a positive purchasing experience.


Solar Energy Industry Association (SEIA) provides a plethora of guides on their website for homeowners who want assistance in valuing their solar systems as well as those who live within a homeowner association.



Financing, Incentives, and Tax Exemptions:


Typical solar installations are paid for through loans or cash, and there are both Federal and State incentives available.


The Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA) has a very helpful guide for solar  financing for homeowners. Download the guide here.


The environmental news site EcoWatch has an informative overview of the Federal Solar Tax Credit (ITC). Check it out here.


Solar Energy Glossary​

The Glossary of Solar Energy Terms is a great resource to learn all of the jargon in the solar industry. Once you understand the language, it's easier to speak solar with everyone! The page also has a ton of other great solar resources as well.



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