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INDIANA2030 Reception • Tuesday, February 18, 2025 • Reception at 6:30PM • Adoption at 7PM •

INDIANA2030: Tomorrow Together is our updated comprehensive plan. The original plan, created in 2011, no longer fully reflects the evolving needs of our community. Over the past year and a half, we engaged with over 400 residents through 23 events, gathering more than 600 pieces of feedback. This input has been instrumental in shaping our new plan. The purpose of this comprehensive plan is to establish a clear framework for future projects, initiatives, and funding, ensuring that we grow together in a way that reflects the vision and needs of our community.​

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Here is what we found. The planning effort identified five systems: natural & built environment, economy & downtown, healthy neighborhoods, adopting anchors, and mobility & connections. Under these systems, we identified 19 goals and 22 strategies to help achieve those goals. Each of these systems has an associated catalytic project, or an initiative that has the potential to spark major change.

Systems, Goals& Strategies

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Natural & Built Environment - Goals

Indiana will be a place that preserves the buildings and outdoor spaces that make it great, while encouraging adaptive reuse and context sensitive new development.

1. Create Balanced Land Use Controls

The Borough is a complex community with different functional areas. We believe that these areas can be used as a basis for land use approaches that balance the residential, commercial and institutional needs while enhancing the quality of life within the Borough at large.

2. Protect the Historic Built Environment

The preservation of Indiana’s historic built environment (buildings) is crucial to the future vitality of both downtown, and the residential neighborhoods.

3. Spur Development Activity

Strengthening the community’s tax base is essential to long term success. In targeted areas, there are opportunities to leverage old and new tools designed to encourage and assist the development envisioned.

4. Build a Cohesive Parks and Open Space System

Planning for parks and open space in the Borough has been limited. This planning is critical to developing, managing, and protecting parks and open space in ways that improve the quality of life for residents and visitors alike.


In 2025, we will beginning on the following projects based on priorities identified by INDIANA2030.​

  • ​8th Street Corridor - partnership with DI.​

  • McGregor Park - funding awarded from Greenways, Trails and Recreation Program.​

  • Vinegar Hill - funding awarded from Greenways, Trails and Recreation Program.​

  • Sidewalk Assistance Program - funding awarded from PennDot Multimodal Transportation Fund.​

  • Marsh Run Streambank Stabilization - funding awarded from Growing Greener.​

  • Major infrastructure repairs 

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