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3.12.20 RELEASE: St. Patrick's Day Parade Cancelled

Writer's picture: Indiana BoroughIndiana Borough

Indiana Borough - Recognizing that community concern and uncertainty exists regarding the novel Coronavirus (COVID19), Indiana Borough is providing the following information as a community resource. The wellbeing of our community remains priority.

Together, Borough Administration and Police continue working closely with all community partners and are following the recommendations of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Pennsylvania Department of Health to ensure community wellbeing and safety. Recognizing that best practices for community health remain fluid, we are committed to providing timely and consistent information to our citizens.

As many are aware, the impacts of COVID 19 are rapidly evolving. Borough Staff are committed to remaining flexible as additional community needs arise and have committed to meeting daily to discuss and implement additional best practices for the health, wellbeing, and safety of Indiana Borough residents and visitors.

In collaboration with Downtown Indiana Inc., in an abundance of caution, our previously scheduled St. Patrick’s Day Parade was cancelled. Although Indiana Borough has not yet collaborated on other closures, cancellations, or other proactive measures, Borough Administration and Police continue supporting the general recommendations of the CDC and PA Department of health that include avoiding large social gatherings, the practice of social distancing, and good hygiene.

For those who prefer, a two-page resource guide from the CDC will be available in the lobby area of the Indiana Borough Municipal Building, 80 North 8th Street, regarding best practices for health and wellbeing. This information is not specific to Indiana Borough and the same information can be obtained online from the CDC.

Indiana Borough’s Administration and Police, supported by Indiana Borough Council, are committed to the health and wellbeing, peace, safety, and comfort of Indiana Borough residents. Local press releases will be issued routinely to ensure our community members are most informed - and equipped with the best information available.

To best serve our community, general questions may be sent via email to contact and we will work to provide a timely response.

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